Be sure to measure the hand that the ring will be worn on. The fingers of the wearer’s dominant hand are usually larger than their non-dominant hand.It doesn’t hurt to check the size in a few different settings! Fingers are smaller in the early morning and winter, so it is best to measure mid to late day in a warm setting. Finger sizes change depending on the time of day and the weather.The number the sizer points to is the ring size.Slip the sizer onto the base of the ring finger and gently tighten it so it feels sung.Buy a plastic ring sizer for just a few dollars.If you don’t mind spending a few dollars you can try out this measurement technique. Have the jeweler slip the ring on the mandrel and the number the ring settles on is its size.Take a ring that fits your partner well to a local jeweler with a mandrel (a ring sizing stick).Tools: A well-fitting ring, a jeweler’s ring mandrel This technique is best if your partner won’t notice that their ring is missing for a day. Measure the diameter of the ring in mm with a ruler.Place the ring onto a piece of paper and trace its interior with a pen.Tools: A well-fitting ring, ruler, paper, pen If your partner has their ring off for a few moments a day, you can use this quick measurement technique.
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Download the conversion chart here to print. Reference the conversion chart with your measurement to get the ring size.The mm number closest to the mark on the string is the circumference of the ring size in millimeters.Mark where the string overlaps with the marker.Wrap the string above the base of the finger it will be worn on.

To help you find your ring size or discreetly find your partner’s ring size before proposing, we have gathered the best ring measurement techniques and tips so you can confidently shop for the perfect sized ring.
#Cost of harry winston engagement rings how to
Whether you want to make sure that your next ring fits perfectly or are ready to pop the question to your special someone, learning how to measure ring size will save you plenty of stress.