One, Attack, lets them take an additional maul or Bolt attack.
#Empyrean 5e names Pc#
The empyrean’s other spells are largely irrelevant it will cast dispel evil and good only if a PC has summoned one or more celestials, fiends or undead creatures that the empyrean can’t dispatch with a Bolt or by smacking it with its maul, or simply ignore.Įmpyreans can take up to three legendary actions per round, at the end of other creatures’ turns. Players, of course, will find this profoundly unsatisfying at the highest adventuring levels, however, PCs will probably have access to plane shift themselves and thus may be able to pursue, if they can determine where the empyrean has gone. Plane shift, as usual, is an escape hatch, which the empyrean uses when it’s seriously wounded (reduced to 125 hp or fewer). Rather, it will cast it when it realizes it has to take its opponents seriously, i.e., when they’ve managed to moderately wound it (reduce it to 219 hp or fewer).Įarthquake, on the other hand, it will cast as soon as combat begins, because it can sustain this spell, probably for the entire duration of combat, and it offers the empyrean nothing but advantages: creating difficult terrain (which the empyrean can effortlessly fly over-in fact, it will probably spend the entire combat encounter floating a foot or two off the ground), distracting spellcasters who are trying to concentrate, knocking enemies prone, opening cracks in the ground that enemies may fall into. It won’t lead with this spell, nor will it wait until the last minute to cast it. Once per day, an empyrean can cast fire storm, which does 7d10 fire damage on a failed save, half that on a success, and ought to be able to engulf every one of the empyrean’s opponents. It will use it any and every time it fails a save, until its uses of the feature are exhausted. Consequently, it won’t bank its uses of this feature. Like other monsters with Legendary Resistance, which grants three automatic successes per day on failed saving throws, the empyrean will rarely, if ever, fail a saving throw if it does, it will probably be a Dex save. Even against these, despite having a Dexterity saving throw modifier of only +5, it still has Legendary Resistance, allowing it to leap clear of the fissure or take only half damage from the meteors. The thing is, thanks to its spectacular saving throw modifiers, there aren’t any-with the possible exception of earthquake or meteor swarm. Hypothetically, an empyrean might use Bolt to shut down a spellcaster who could cast spells that bypassed its immunities and resistances. Thanks to its Intelligence of 21, it knows, automatically, exactly which type of damage will harm its targets the most. Its ranged Bolt attack, while potent, isn’t as damaging as its melee attack, and it will use this attack-which has the ridiculous range of 600 feet-only to strike at a distance against opponents whom it can’t yet engage in melee with. Generally, then, the empyrean will favor the direct approach to dealing with its enemies: charge, bash, repeat. It’s not afraid to mix it up with you-even if it should be, you being a master of the world and all. It also has advantage on saving throws against magic. It’s immune-not resistant, immune-to physical damage from nonmagical weapons, and its own weapon attacks are inherently magical. A single hit from its maul can potentially kill a PC with up to 23 hp instantly. (If a 20-foot-tall god-child can’t make Posleslavny great again, who can, am I right?)Įvery one of an empyrean’s abilities is extraordinary, but with beyond-extraordinary Strength and Constitution of 30, it’s a brute to rule all brutes. These depraved empyreans end up exiled to the material plane, where they take over kingdoms as a hobby.

But sometimes they go on a spring break bender in Tartarus or something (excuse me-Carceri), and they’re not the same when they come back. Most of them are chaotic good, residing on the plane of Arvandor, Arboria or Olympus, depending on how old-school you like your cosmology. Boss monsters on par with the most ancient dragons. If your PCs are coming face-to-face with an empyrean, they’d better either be masters of the world already or have very good health insurance coverage. And at levels 17 through 20, they’re “masters of the world,” the ones who wind up as protagonists in books by R.A. At levels 11 through 16, they’re “masters of the realm,” on whose deeds the fates of kingdoms turn. At levels 5 through 10, they’re “heroes of the realm,” regionally renowned. From level 1 to level 4, PCs are “local heroes,” saving one village at a time. The fifth-edition Dungeon Master’s Guide describes four tiers of play, based on player character level.