The invoice amount is to be settled at the time of payment on invoice within 7 days. Payment in cash at the time of collection In this case, dispatch costs will not be charged.
In case of self-collection, we will inform you by email once the product is ready, along with the collection options. Posted on 5 November 2011 26 June 2017 by amr63 Posted in Fragrance & Perfume Tagged Emilie Copperman, Fabrice Pellegrin. commercial was shot by Jonas Ackerlundcommercial was shot by Jonas Ackerlund. The delivery date for the complete order will be the same as that of the article with the longest delivery time. Paco Rabanne Black XS L’Exces for Men and for Women will show early January 2012. If you have ordered articles with different delivery dates, we send the articles together in one delivery if no other agreement has been made. Please note that deliveries are not made on Sundays and other holidays. Buy Paco Rabanne Mens Black XS Lexces Eau De Toilette (100ml) online on Amazon.eg at best prices. Unless otherwise specified in the quote, domestic delivery of goods shall be made (Germany) within 1 - 3 days, for deliveries abroad within 3 - 7 days from conclusion of contract (if advance payment agreed from the date of the payment instruction). Paco Rabanne describes this as a scent for a rock man with sensuality, with an irreverent and rebellious attitude.

Österreich 7,90 € andere Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union: 9,90 €, UK 11,90 We charge a flat shipping fee for international deliveries: versions, which are to be priced at 73 euros, 61 euros and 42. This scent highlights the beauty of the darker side of her personality. The Black XS L’Excs for Her eau de parfum spray will come in 80-, 50- and 30-ml. The house of Paco Rabanne gives to women a fragrance called the Black Xs LExces. It belongs among floral-oriental fragrances designed for women who enjoy an. The following terms and conditions apply:ĭomestic delivery (Germany) and neighbouring countries: Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union.ĭispatch costs (inclusive of legally applicable VAT) Black L’Excs Scent Due From Paco Rabanne. Paco Rabanne Black XS LExces for Her is a major new perfume launched in 2012. Var script = document.getElementById('paypal-smart-payment-script') tAttribute("data-append-trailing-slash", "true") tAttribute("data-client-token", "eyJicmFpbnRyZWUiOnsiYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbkZpbmdlcnByaW50IjoiOGFmMDhmN2IzNmQwYmVkZTM5NjQxNjViMmQ2YzcyOWNiMGExNjZkNDFjMGIyYjU2NzA5MTlhZGY3N2MxZTUxYXxtZXJjaGFudF9pZD1yd3dua3FnMnhnNTZobTJuJnB1YmxpY19rZXk9ajJmYzJqcHhkZzZ2cDg0ZiZjcmVhdGVkX2F0PTIwMjMtMDYtMjJUMDg6NDg6MDIuNzAzWiIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIzLXBheXBhbCJ9LCJwYXlwYWwiOnsiaWRUb2tlbiI6bnVsbCwiYWNjZXNzVG9rZW4iOiJBMjFBQVBBcWVsUnBZRlhSUlhjRGxtcGQ2TVAwaU1IVnZPV0haT3V3UndOekdoOTlUZ1N6ak9LY2FYanlEQ3dnaXVQLVUxcEFtQU1Id1RmeWV5ekdhT01QeUlXYXF4VDhBIn19") tAttribute("data-client-id", "Aaj8tyivTb7ktEu_2y73Z6WltjUlmBL5jeaZzXVAAgV6fP2Ji85y0w37UGohmiU8Q-M19cMaasn4OCQH") Script.id = "paypal-smart-payment-script" Var script = document.createElement("script") Finally I found myself a bottle of this very rare discontinued. If(!document.getElementById('paypal-smart-payment-script')) Paco Rabanne Black XS LExces for Him (2012) Joy Amin.